Welcome to DrTRIFIXX

Your Portal To Nitek Medical - The Autoimmune Specialists

What We Do

If you experience any of the following, we recommend you get tested with our in-depth blood testing program.

Nitek Medical has the right type of testing, the correct diagnosis, and the right type of medications. The 10,000’s of patients we have treated across 26 different countries over the last 21 years and counting, attest to our ability to deliver the results that make a powerful difference.

Our treatment isn’t ordinary, and neither is our testing. We test what the masses won’t, to get the stellar results that the masses don’t. Our convenient, globally competitively priced blood test kit, includes the following tests:

  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
  • Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO)
  • Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb)
  • Triiodothyronine (T3)
  • Thyroxine (T4) and
  • Reverse T3 (rT3)


  • Palpitations and tachycardia
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Digestive disorders
  • Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
  • Psoriasis 
  • Celiac disease
  • Haemolytic anaemia 
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Myasthenia gravis (MG)
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Scleroderma 
  • Systemiclupus erythematosus
  • Vitiligo 
  • Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (aPL)
  • Autoimmune hepatitis 
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)


Nitek Medical, founded in 2000 by Dr Daryl Turner and Dr Kail located in Arizona, USA; specialises in providing the answers to everything ‘core hormones’, i.e. male, female & sex hormones. Since inception, the doctors at Nitek Medical have treated 100,000’s of patients, across 28 different countries, both through direct patient tele-medicine, and in conjunction with the Nitek existing treating physicians network

Nitek Medical has a very straight forward solution for treating patients, with the ability to both test and treat any hormonal imbalances, until patients feel that they have met peak performance. Taking an integrated approach to treatment, Nitek Medical is a one-stop solution for the testing, diagnosis, and management of all hormonal concerns.


Get Tested. Get Assessed. Get Diagnosed. Get Treated.

For US$388 +US$39 shipping

NOTE: the Reply Paid postage included in the blood test kit is limited to US customers only. All returns made from outside of the US, are subject to local postage fees, paid by the sender at the time of posting.

Disclaimer: All data input by yourself, is manually triaged by our team, through including personally identifiable questions at each stage. This is to ensure that you receive superior service, at all times. As such, you are free to exit out of this page at any step, and return to complete the process at a later time, and know that your information will not be lost.


Fill Us In

Help us create a personal patient profile for yourself, by inputting your information in the below form.


Autoimmune Screening

Now that the creation of your personal profile is underway, you can submit your request for your autoimmune screening blood collection kit, using the payment link below.

NOTE: this fee covers your blood test kit, doctor consult, and expert review of your symptom survey, prior to consult. Which brings us to…


Health Questionnaire

Whilst your blood kit is being organised by our team, let us know just how much we can help you, by completing the in-depth symptom survey below. We’ll take care of the rest from there.


Thyroflex™ Testing

For US$115

Developed by Dr. Turner himself, the Thyroflex™ test offers patients an objective, 98.5% accurate, determination on whether they are hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, or euthyroid. Through testing patients’ Reflex Speed, Neurotransmitter Speed, and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR); doctors are given a unique insight into the state of a patients’ thyroid performance, all within the space of only 4 minutes. The non-invasive testing, greatly aids doctors in fast tracking the efficacy of their treatment.

Why test reflexes?

Notable experts in support of predominantly treating the thyroid through symptoms & reflexes: 

Sir Dr. R.I.S. Bayliss, a famous Endocrinologist and former Physician to the Queen, in his speech at the Medical Society’s Transactions: “I am often asked how the correct dose of thyroxine is determined. The answer is clinically by the patient’s pulse rate, his sense of well-being, the texture of his skin, his tolerance of cold, his bowel function (symptoms), and the speed with which his deep tendon reflexes relax.”

Dr. David Derry, on page 94 of ‘Breast Cancer and Iodine’: “Is thyroid not the hormone capable of raising the constitution and well-being of the patient? Anyone can be brought up to the top of their constitutional capabilities when tested adequately for thyroid hormone. This would only be done by clinical assessment, not blood tests; there is no relation between the signs and symptoms of low thyroid disease, the TSH, or the other related blood tests.”

So – how do you go about accessing the Thyroflex™ test?


Select Testing Centre

Select a location to book your in-person Thyroflex™ appointment. The testing process from start to finish, will take approximately 10 minutes.


Process Payment

Now that you have checked availability at a location near you; your payment can now be processed. We’ll take care of the rest.

NOTE: Should you not have a testing centre nearby, don’t fret, for our specialists can treat you based on your blood results and symptom survey alone. The Thyroflex™ test is highly encouraged, as it enables our specialists to better fast track your results through heightened accuracy; but if it is not feasible, then our doctors can work with you to create an effective treatment plan, based on your bloods and symptoms initially, paired with your response to treatment thereafter.  


Make A Medical Appointment

We will be sending you the final link by email when all of the above data and test results are completed and certified, to set an appointment with a Nitek Medical doctor. In terms of timeframe to expect; the laboratory sends your test results to Nitek Medical within 1 to 2 weeks of receiving your sample and your Nitek Medical doctor requires up to one week to analyse all of your data and lab results to create your personalized treatment plan.


Note: There will be a 50% consultation fee of US$28 charge for any failed or unresponsive (more than 3 times) attempt to contact patient at their selected time by the scripting doctor.


Follow-Up Treatment & Maintenance

For US$164

You have most likely been waiting for a solution for most of your life. We have a tried and tested, proven pathway for you to improve the quality of your life. We understand your desire for a quick solution, but we ask that you please be patient.

Let’s be realistic: it takes us roughly 3 months to get your hormones balanced if you are straight hypothyroid (TriFixx™), and a bit longer, if you are autoimmune (DrTriFixx). It may take us up to a month to get the kits and testing all completed and evaluated, but it will be well worth the wait. Once again, please be patient as you go through the Nitek Medical process. Help is on its way.

For most of you, we need to ‘titrate’ your medication, meaning: adjust your medications slowly, until you are ‘at dose’, i.e. on the correct amount of medication. Some patients, will not feel their best until they are at the correct dosage. We are dealing with prescription medications (natural bioidentical where possible), and we cannot raise your dosage up too fast.


Follow-Up Health Questionnaire

Help us to see how you’ve been tracking, with our online questionnaire. This will aid us in measuring your response to treatment, to date.


Book a Consult

To book a follow-up appointment with your doctor, simply process payment using the link below. Once payment is received, we will contact you via email with the links to book an appointment with your doctor of choice, at a day & time of your choosing. If your doctor has specified that they would like you to receive a Thyroflex™ test prior to this appointment, please do so through following the steps detailed in the section above. This payment will be processed separately. Should you have any questions, please contact us using the link at the bottom of this page.


What Our Patients Say

“Hey Dr Turner, How r u? I know I am not a good tablet taker, so I haven't been good at taking those iodine tablets. Then I started taking them again to find an incredible difference. Hair growing strong (it had been breaking and falling) and luscious, lots of energy and general looking good again. It is like magic. All over a few tablets. The difference is actually quite remarkable. Thought I would let u know.”
Jenny F, Patient
Manila, Philippines
"I feel very grateful to have met Dr Turner. I have struggled with terrible hypothyroid symptoms such as depression & fatigue for over 15 years. I am half way through my treatment and already feel better than I have in a long long time. During those 15 years I have seen so many doctors and discovered very quickly I had to educate myself about my condition and treatment as none of these doctors were able to help me even those who claimed to be thyroid experts. Dr Turner has been so patient in answering my questions and supporting me and I feel I have finally found the expert I was looking for who can restore my quality of life. Dr Turners' product BioAdren was the first product I tried and within two weeks I felt so much better even though I had tried various types of adrenal support, including pharmaceutical options. He is also a genuine soul who really wants to help people. Thank you Dr Turner!"
Patient introduced to Nitek by founder Dr Daryl Turner
“Once I took the Biothroid, Biodine, & D3, within a short period of time, I felt like a teenager again, vital and young. I had my life back. I said to myself, “I’m back, I’m back.”
Our patient who has Autoimmune and could hardly get out of bed and been to see 6 or 7 doctors.
"I have been so pleased by my noticeable improvements, that I am telling everyone about the care I’ve received from NITEK! As a matter of a fact, both my daughter and husband have become new patients with Nitek. And I believe my sister will be contacting Nitek soon, also. Well again, thank you for your concern and assistance!"
Patient treated by a Nitek Hormone Specialist
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