
“I feel very grateful to have met Dr Turner. I have struggled with terrible hypothyroid symptoms such as depression & fatigue for over 15 years. I am half way through my treatment and already feel better than I have in a long long time. During those 15 years I have seen so many doctors and discovered very quickly I had to educate myself about my condition and treatment as none of these doctors were able to help me even those who claimed to be thyroid experts. Dr Turner has been so patient in answering my questions and supporting me and I feel I have finally found the expert I was looking for who can restore my quality of life. Dr Turners’ product BioAdren was the first product I tried and within two weeks I felt so much better even though I had tried various types of adrenal support, including pharmaceutical options. He is also a genuine soul who really wants to help people. Thank you Dr Turner!”


Patient of Nitek Medical

“Hey Dr Turner,
How r u? I know I am not a good tablet taker, so I haven’t been good at taking those iodine tablets [Iodine Fixx™]. Then I started taking them again to find an incredible difference. Hair growing strong (it had been breaking and falling) and luscious, lots of energy and general looking good again. It is like magic. All over a few tablets. The difference is actually quite remarkable. Thought I would let u know.”

Jenny Folley, Founder and Managing Director of @workspaces

Patient of Nitek Medical

“I have used the Thyroflex and Thyrodine to test thyroid function for the past seven years in my medical practice, and it has revolutionized the way I manage thyroid disease. I used to rely on blood tests to evaluate thyroid hormone levels, but found them to poorly correlate with patient’s sign’s and symptoms. I have come to rely on the 98% accuracy of the Thyroflex, with its close correlation to both patients’ symptoms and 24-hour thyroid urine testing. The addition of urine iodine testing with the Thyrodine has further expanded the tools I use to diagnose and treat patients. This one-minute urine test accurately assesses patient’s iodine status, which is so vital in maintaining healthy thyroid functioning and breast cancer prevention. At our Center we perform hundreds of Thyroflex and Thyrodine tests each month for many years, proving the Thyroflex and Thyrodine to be an invaluable work-horse for our physicians.

Dr. Daryl Turner, the brilliant inventor of the Thyroflex, is an unparalleled source of knowledge and information on the core hormones, management and diagnosis. His expertise with difficult thyroid cases has been invaluable in my work with patients. I am truly grateful for his warm-hearted willingness to jump in and consult with very complex patients, train my staff to be proficient in Thyroflex exams, and provide ongoing support. With his integrity, generosity, and desire to be of service to both physicians and patients, Dr. Turner is an exemplary example of excellence in the healing profession.”

Prudence Hall, MD, Venice CA - Founder of the Hall Health and Longevity Center

and Thyroflex™ Service Provider

“Dr Turner,
I am dropping you an e-mail to let you know how well Dr. Briant Herzog’s practice has done regarding his patients who are receiving thyroid treatment.
When Dr. Herzog approached me that he wanted to start this program last July, I was very sceptical if the Thyroflex machine was going to impact our patients positively. Now, almost 9 months later with over 600 patients screen, I am a believer! Within 2 months of testing, 90-95% of our patients are coming back feeling much better and improvement on their reflex tests!
I have also found that your supplements are wonderful. We do not push the supplements in our office and will have patients try over the counter supplements but return to our office to purchase the supplements. And personally I have also done this and could tell the difference. Anushka has been great with supplying me with product information that I can pass on to our patients.
Thank you again for developing this machine to improve the well-being of our patients!”

Nan Lucero, RN, Plano TX,Registered Nurse at HTCA (Hormone Therapy Centers of America)

and Thyroflex™ Service Provider

“Noemi changed my life. I was an old woman and now I feel younger every day. Many thanks to Bill who introduced me to Robyn and Noemi.”


Patient of Nitek Medical

“Dr Noemi is very knowledgeable and after just 3 months on NDT my energy has improved, anxiety lessened, depression gone, GI is good for the first time in years, nails stronger, more energy…. Def good quality NDT. Highly recommend.”


Patient of Nitek Medical

“To Dr Turner,
Wow! Feeling amazing.
Before trying the Bio Adrenal Support [Adrenal Fixx™] I would not have the stamina to make it through the day. I was tired, lethargic, and always drained.
The Bio Adrenal support is amazing I feel fantastic, full of life, I now have lots of energy throughout the day. Wow! Very happy and always like to have an extra bottle on hand. Excellent Iodine. Another excellent product BioDine [Iodine Fixx™]. Brain fog gone, I have sharper memory, noticed that my hair loss is less. My hands and feet are no longer cold and my goutier has shrunk. Thank you, Dr Turner, you have turned my life around, I’m feeling fantastic.”

Tanya Richardson

Patient of Nitek Medical

“Dear Dr. Turner
I would like to personally begin by thanking you for your attentive attention and care when it comes to my thyroid health. While treating these kinds of disorders call for a lot of patience, I’m glad to see it come through with the use of the thyroid support supplements you’ve provided me. After a year of use I’m glad to see some of my most troublesome symptoms such as hair fall improve drastically. And of course, it’s definitely a plus not feeling cold throughout the day. Thank you again for your kind support, will always be seeking your supplements when it comes to my thyroid health.”

Asma, UAE Patient

Patient of Nitek Medical

“Once I took the Biothroid, Biodine, & D3, within a short period of time, I felt like a teenager again; vital and young. I had my life back. I said to myself, ‘I’m back, I’m back’.”


Patient of Nitek Medical

“I recently had a patient featured on the Discovery Channel about her obesity… in my opinion, if we had the Thyroflex system we would have identified the underlying cause and avoided Gastric Bypass surgery.”

Dr. Kent Holtorf M.D. Endocrinologist, Los Angeles CA

The Holtorf Medical Center | Practitioner and Thyroflex™ Service Provider
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