Ask Dr. T

These answers are for informational purposes only and should not be used in place of seeking medical advice given by a licenced practitioner who has full access to your individual circumstance.


Practitioners Response: If you have any heart regularities, such as tachycardia (Tachycardia is a condition that makes your heart beat more than 100 times per minute.) or Palpitations
(A heart palpitation is the sensation that your heart has skipped a beat or added an extra beat. It may feel like your heart is racing, pounding, or fluttering.) then you should see a medical center that specializes in Thyroid, as this maybe an indicator of Hashimoto’s or Graves. (Hashimoto’s disease is a condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid, a small gland at the base of your neck below your Adam’s apple). (Graves’ disease involves an overactive thyroid gland and results in an overproduction of thyroid hormones, or hyperthyroidism. It is relatively easy to treat. If left untreated, however, it can have serious consequences. Graves’ disease is an autoimmune condition.)
Please refer to for a comprehensive list of Thyroid experts near you.

Practitioner’s Response: Individuals with hypothyroidism will need to take thyroid medication for the rest of their life. It’s not like taking antibiotics for an infection which is a short treatment. No one dies taking thyroid medication taken for the rest of their life. There has not been any documentation of death by taking thyroid medication.

Not treating low thyroid function will lead to 1 or more of the 59 chronic debilitating diseases associated with low thyroid function and it will double the risk for Alzheimer’s. If diagnosed with one of these chronic diseases, they will be prescribed medication for the rest of their life for that condition. Sudden death is caused by low thyroid function. This is because every cell in our body needs thyroid hormone. We can NOT live without the thyroid and thyroid hormone. Those of us who have had a thyroidectomy and if not treated, will have a shorter life span because the body stops functioning.

Thyroid disorders are very serious. Medical doctors and some naturopaths don’t think it is serious and try other means to treat which are not effective or ignore the thyroid disorder and don’t treat properly. The thyroid hormone directs the neurological development starting at conception way before cell division. That’s why it is key for life. Low thyroid hormone will lead to 10 points lower than normal in the IQ of children born from a hypothyroid mother who is not treated in pregnancy. This can lead to learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD and Autism. This is not a condition that goes away because it is hereditary. We are born with hypothyroid function. In fact, we are born with multiple hormone deficiencies not just thyroid. Individuals that stop medication and then start again and start cycling the medication are actually doing more harm to themselves. I don’t take thyroid disorder lightly. I was misdiagnosed by an endocrinologist which almost cost my life. This became my passion because I have been where the referred patients are and know exactly how they feel.

Practitioner’s Response: First, it was Dr. lugols who discovered the combination of iodine and iodide, in the correct proportions on the 1800’s that still holds true today, this was continued on by Dr. Abrahams Et Al who dedicated his entire life to iodine research with iodine, clearing the bunk claims by others and due his well-researched and trailed outcomes, has stood up to the medical community who have almost ignored the use of iodine, and a lot of the myths of use of iodine Dr.Brownstein along with many 1000’s doctors in the USA have now brought iodine / iodide back into everyday clinical use with no ill effects, just the opposite. we follow the Dr. lugols discover, the absolute rock solid base of research, by Abraham’s and the clinical protocols of Dr. Brownstein.

The problem you find in Australia, is that you cannot by the proper Iodine / Iodide combination, unless it is given by a doctor and by a pharmacist, so I have seen many other products on the market that are trying to fill the gap with only partial success, (to get around the law) as the body requires both iodine and iodide in the correct proportions, of course iodide is an element so pure iodide is pure iodide, the same as pure gold is pure gold, they are both elements.

So It’s like this, you need petrol and oil in a car not just petrol alone. Re the client I’m not sure what he was poisoned from, but it appears that he has an auto immune disorder
that can easily be addressed with the administration of TPOab and TGab anti body tests then we can determine the correct thyroid treatment, and what medication
he should be on based on the test results, blood and Thyroflex,( ) along with a family history, if it is autoimmune that can be treated (Bulging eyes are usually associated with Graves (TGab)

There has not been any research or studies in high doses of iodine and live blood analysis. The little that there may be is not accepted as science. Live blood analysis is not considered a tool for diagnosing any condition according to conventional medicine. Therefore, there are no studies concerning high doses of iodine and the effects on cells seen on the live blood analysis or any other nutrient for that matter. But what we do know about iodine and cancer is that it can reduce & resolve cysts, nodules, and tumors, applied &/or orally. The oxidative stress/damage will occur when cells die. This is a normal process. Cells turnover rate is happening all the time. Red blood cells have a life span of 120 days. Iodine does not affect red blood cells or white blood cells. What you may be seeing is the effects of iodine on the cancer cells. There are several tissue/organs/glands that have a greater affinity for iodine/iodide. What is in the blood is transient since it will be eliminated by the kidneys. Antioxidants, glutathione and liver support will certainly help removing the oxidative damage or cell death much quicker than just taking iodine. Vitamin C to bowel tolerance, NAC, milk thistle, to name a few. It would be interesting to track these patients on high doses of iodine + antioxidants and see what the live blood analysis looks like. The reason this has not been seen is that live blood analysis is not done by all practitioners who practice alternative/complementary/integrative medicine.

Practitioner’s Response: There are several conditions that are affecting how you feel. PCOS – polycystic ovary syndrome. The DHEA and Testosterone levels are most likely elevated and are contributing to the following symptoms: tiredness, insomnia, low sex drive, hair loss, weight gain/difficulty to lose weight. The cortisol levels are very low, a condition called adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue causes insomnia. You are too tired to sleep and when you fall asleep you wake up during the night and can’t go back to sleep until 6:00am/7:00am around the time you need to get up. Then it takes a couple of hours to “get going”. Because your adrenals are “tired”, you feel dizzy and lightheaded. It’s because the adrenals are not able to produce enough aldosterone to keep your blood pressure normal. Elevated testosterone affects the menstrual cycle. Testosterone is converted to Estrone and estrone is converted to Estradiol and estradiol is converted to Estriol. Elevated testosterone leads to elevated estrone and often low estradiol. Low cortisol levels deplete the progesterone level which leads to muscle pain, insomnia, dizziness, lightheadedness etc. Your diagnosis is: Hypothyroid, PCOS, Adrenal fatigue, reverse T3. What to do: Have your hormones tested: DHEA-S, Testosterone total and free, Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol, Progesterone. Address the adrenal issue

Address the PCOS usually with bio-identical progesterone and herbs to modulate the hormones, DIM if estrone is elevated and there are herbal teas and certain foods that help with controlling PCOS, there are certain nutritional substances especially for PCOS to reduce the cysts and reverse the elevated testosterone. The ovarian cysts are producing the excess testosterone. Your supplements/nutritional treatment needs to be re-assessed and needs to be directed to these issues.

Practitioner’s Response: I’m concerned that you are adjusting your Lovan medication without medical guidance. Antidepressants should never be adjusted by the patient unless it is under the supervision of your doctor who prescribed it. Antidepressants can cause rebound side effects which are worse than the initial symptoms and you can end up in the hospital.

This has happened before with other patients who did this on their own and ended up in ER and the psychiatric ward. They were hospitalized for several months. Thyroid medication helps with depression, anxiety and panic attacks. But if the patient is on antidepressant medication and begins to feel good, then they need to see their doctor to schedule the titrating of the antidepressant. The symptoms you are feeling, not sleeping well, headaches etc. are associated with the lower dose of Lovan. These are rebound side effects of Lovan and can get worse. It is important for you to seek medical guidance to come off Lovan. Consult with your doctor. Never do this on your own. Never adjust any prescribe medication without consulting the doctor.

Practitioner’s Response:  Taking an adrenal AdreanFixx support at dinner can interfere with sleep. That’s why it is recommended 2 with breakfast and 2 at noon no later than 2:00pm. She could take our sleep formula’s for sleep. c

Practitioner’s Response:  It is fine to test a mom that has had a baby 4 months ago. If the mom is hypothyroid, she will be suffering from hypo symptoms. This will not affect the baby. If a woman is pregnant, it is necessary to test and treat because the thyroid hormone directs the neurological system at conception. At 12 weeks the baby’s thyroid is developed and can produce thyroid hormone if iodine is present. After birth, it is still necessary for the Mom to continue treatment.

Practitioner’s Response:  GPs do not know about reverse T3 nor how to test and what it means and they don’t know what an Adrenal Stress Saliva test is either. The Adrenal Stress Saliva test is to measure cortisol levels over a day’s collection of specimens. This test is not done by conventional doctors because they do not believe in persons having adrenal issues unless the issues are severe such as Cushing’s Disease or Addison’s disease. Any other forms of adrenal issues such as adrenal insufficiency and adrenal fatigue are not recognized by conventional medicine. You need to contact a Thyroid specialist concerning these tests. They can help you to get these tests done. Your GP will not order them even if I explain to Him/Her what these tests mean.

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Note: we will never include any personally identifiable information in our responses. If you feel that your identity may be exposed by sharing the details of your circumstance and that you would prefer to remain anonymous, we kindly ask that you book an appointment with one of our hormone specialists.

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